
Mojo Soft Drinks

Mojo, Mojo Zambia, Bigtree Beverages Mojo Limited, mojo drink zambia

All reviews are based on research carried out by RANSZ. Please don't take any reviews to heart, as these are of personal opinion. If there are any queries or changes you wish to make to this review please let us know by either commenting or contacting us.

mojo means: a top quality that pulls people to you and causes you to successful and stuffed with energy.
Mojo is one of Zambia's most popular soft drink brand. It is currenlty manufactured by Bigtree Beverages Ltd (a subsidary of the Tradekings Group). Being so popular must have been quite a challenge but despite this Bigtree Beverages has managed to distribute this drink across Zambia, and made it available even in the most remote village.
This drink is good but we expect more, it tastes a bit watery


Product Info

Sizes 350ml
Flavors Orange, Cola, Apple, Lemon, Ginger,...
Ingredients Carbonated water, Sugar, Citric Acid (E 330), Artificial Sweetner, Potassium Sorbate (E 202), Sodium Benzoate (e 211), Artificial Flavouring, Colour.
Energy (KJ) -

Business Info

Name Bigtree Beverages Ltd
Address Lusaka, Lusaka Province, Zambia

Contact Info

Phone -
P.O.Box -
Location -
Website (Currently Unavailable)

1). Big Soft Drinks

Big Soft Drinks Zambia, Big carbonated drinks Zambia, Big drinks Zambia

Big soft drinks are by Sparkle Investments Limited, which are a Zambian beverage manufacturer. Big soft drinks comes in a variety of flavors including orange, cola, coco-pine, ginger, cream soda, raspberry, granadilla and apple. Every sip of this mouth boggling drink gives you a fun flavor-some taste making you want to have it over and over again. Since first produced, Big soft drinks have had their drinks sold the cheapest in Zambia, and till today are still the cheapest.

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